Books and Other Work
- Exponential Families in Theory and Practice, IMS Textbooks, Cambridge University Press.
- Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science, with T. Hastie. IMS Monographs, Cambridge University Press.
- Large-Scale Inference: Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction, IMS Monographs, Cambridge University Press.
- The Science of Bradley Efron: Selected Papers, edited by C. Morris and R. Tibshirani. Springer, NY.
- The Statistical Century. In Stochastic Musings: Perspectives from the Pioneers of the Late 20th Century, edited by John Panaretos. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, NJ.
- An Introduction to the Bootstrap (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability), with R. Tibshirani. Chapman and Hall, NY.
- Six Questions Raised by the Bootstrap. In Exploring the Limits of Bootstrap, edited by R. LePage and L. Billard. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
- The Jackknife, the Bootstrap, and Other Resampling Plans. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA.
- Biostatistics Casebook, with R.G. Miller, Jr., B. Wm. Brown, Jr. and L. Moses. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
(out of print)
Essays and Editorials
- 2017 Statistical thinking for 21st century scientists with D.R. Cox, Science Advances 3, e1700768.
- 2013 Perspective: Bayes' Theorem in the 21st Century, Science 340, 1177-1178.
- 2013 Thirteen Rules
- 2011 Note: A Two-Hundred-and-Fifty-Year Argument, written for the 30th Leeds Annual Statistical Research Workshop, University of Leeds, UK.
- 2009 Encyclopedia of Statistics essay: The Future of Statistics.
- 2008 Editorial: False discovery rates and the James-Stein estimator. Statistica Sinica 18, 805-816.
- 2004 "President's Corner" column, AmStat News.
- 2000 The bootstrap and modern statistics. JASA 95, 1293-1296.
- 1998 R.A. Fisher in the 21st century. Statist. Sci. 13, 95-122.
- 1995 Computer-intensive statistical methods (with R. Tibshirani). In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Wiley-Interscience, NY.
- 1991 Statistical data analysis in the computer age (with R. Tibshirani). Science 253, 390-395.
- 1987 Did Shakespeare write a newly discovered poem? (with R. Thisted). Biometrika 74, 445-455.
- 1986 Why isn't everyone a Bayesian? American Statistician 40, 1-11.
- 1983 A leisurely look at the bootstrap, the jackknife, and cross-validation (with G. Gong). American Statistician 37, 36-48.
- 1978 Controversies in the foundations of statistics. Amer. Math. Mon. 85, 231-246.
- 1977 Stein's paradox in statistics (with C. Morris). Scientific American 236, 119-127.
- 1976 Estimating the number of unseen species: How many words did Shakespeare know? (with R. Thisted). Biometrika 63, 435-447.